martes, 19 de mayo de 2020


good morning boys and girls, today we are going to learn something new, we ar going to work with a verb a little special, want. Let's watch the song on the class book page 22

want- querer, desear

 el verbo want en inglés se traduce por querer o desear algo o hacer algo, es un verbo que se utiliza en presente simple con el auxiliar do, pero ¿qué tiene de especial este verbo entonces?
lo que tiene de especial es que puede ir seguido de un sustantivo un nombre:

i want an apple- quiero una manzana

pero también puede ir seguido de una acción podemos decir que queremos hacer algo, en este caso el verbo want va seguido de un verbo que hay que poner con la preposición to , para que vaya en infinitivo.

I want to play in the park- yo quiero jugar en el parque

now we are going to practice it, open your activity book:

Page 41 exercise 2, write the sentences telling what the boys and girls wants or doesn't want to do. ( escribe las frases contando lo que los niños y niñas quieren y no quieren hacer)

Page 68
exercise 1, do the crossword ( haz el crucigrama)
exercise 2, write questions and answers with want ( escribe preguntas y respuestas con want)

soluciones de día anterior:

1- answer these questions (responde estas preguntas):

- where do they go? They go to the water sport centre
- who don't like water? Hothead doesn’t like water
- does Animal Girl become a dolphin or a shark? She becomes a dolphin
- what have the thief got in the bag? He has got all the sports centre money
- is the thief going to his car? No he is going to a boat
- who stops the thief? Hothead stops the thief
- who dive next to Hothead? Invisible Boy dive next to Hothead
- who is good at diving? Captain Zoom is good at diving

2- correct the mistakes on the sentences (corrige los errores en las frases):

- Fantastic! where are my swimming trunks?
- Are you good at waterskiing, Sam?
- Hold this rope!!
- Be careful!!! I hate water.
- He is going to the lake.
- is this his boat?
- Invisible Boy is ready to swim now.

3- find in the story (encuentra en la historia) :

water sports: diving, swimming, waterskiing

3 sentences in present simple:
I don’t dive
I like swimming
He’s got a boat

3 sentences with good at:
I’am good at swimming
Are you good at diving, Captain Zoom?
Are you good at waterskiing, Sam?

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