martes, 16 de junio de 2020

martes, 9 de junio de 2020

jueves, 4 de junio de 2020

jueves, 28 de mayo de 2020


Hoy os dejo otras dos canciones tradicionales que hemos usado en clase en algunos juegos:

martes, 26 de mayo de 2020

jueves, 21 de mayo de 2020


Hoy traigo un cuento nuevo espero que les guste, en el trabajamos números, alimentos y la primavera

martes, 19 de mayo de 2020


Good morning boys and girls, this week we are going to learn new things about grammar, from the unit 5, we are going to talk about countable and uncountable nouns. let's watch a video first:

los sustantivos, pueden ser contables o incontables, dependiendo de si podemos separarlo en unidades y contarlos (libros, lápices, limones, borradores) o si no es posible separarlos en unidades y no se puede contar ( agua, azúcar, leche, pan, carne)

sustantivos incontables: son aquellos que forman una unidad no es posible contarlos, suele ser aquellos que cuando hablamos de ellos lo hacemos por litros, kilos, cucharadas, rebanadas, filetes, trozos.  Siempre hablamos de ellos siempre en singular, por qué  hay más o menos cantidad, pero no hay varios.
hay mas o menos agua, pero no hay aguas.
Para transformar un incontable en contable utilizamos una pequeña trampa que es repartirlo en unidades y contar el número de unidades:

dos vasos de agua, tres cucharadas de azúcar, dos rebanas de pan....

sustantivos contables:

pueden ser singular o plural, puesto que se pueden contar,  puede haber uno o varios, con lo que utilizamos a/an para singular y some/any para plural.

en ambos casos se utilizan determinantes pero con diferencias;

Some sugar (affirmative)
Algo de azucar (afirmativa)
Any azucar (negative, interrogative)
Algo de azucar ( negativa, interrogativa)
Lots of sugar
Mucho azucar
A little sugar
Un poco de azucar
Too much
Enough (affirmative)
Bastante, suficiente (afirmativa) si hay
Enough (negative)
Suficiente, bastante (negativa) no llega

Some oranges (affirmative)
Unas/ algunas naranjas (afirmativa)
Any oranges (negative, interrogative)
Unas/ algunas naranjas ( negativa, interrogativa)
Lots of oranges
Muchas naranjas
A few ornnges
Pocas/ unas pocas naranjas
Too many
Enough (affirmative)
Bastante, suficiente (afirmativa) si hay
Enough (negative)
Suficiente, bastante (negativa) no llega

now we are going to do some activities about it open your activity book on pages 96 exercises 1 and 2 and 97 exercises 1 and 2
1 complete the questions ( completa las preguntas)
2 answer the activity 1 questions  (responde las preguntas del ejercicio 1

1 write the words, you can use more than once ( escribe las palabras, puede usarlas mas de una vez)
2 look at the recipe and what you have at home and write sentences (mira la lista de ingredientes y lo que tienes en casa y escribe frases)

soluciones del día anterior:

1- answer these questions (responde estas preguntas):

- what are they going to play with? They are going to play with a frisbee
- what is Norbert reading? He’s reading a magazine about the Vingons
- who are the Vingons? They were the first people on Planet 57
- what does Ollie find a cave or a room? He finds a cave
- where are Scrig and Screech flying in? they are flying in a rocket
- what's the matter with Scrig, a headache or a stomachache? She’s got a terrible headache

2- correct the mistakes on the sentences (corrige los errores en las frases):

- On friday, I went to the after-school club
- Can we go outside to play with this, please?
- What are you doing with that Frisbee?
- and there's an ancient computer in it
- go and ask to the teacher to come.
- We're going to be famous.
- Now click on this symbol.
- is it going to take them to an new planet?

3- find sentences in the story (encuentra en la historia) :

- 2 permision
Can we go outside to play with this, please?
Yes, you can
- 2 possesive pronouns
Is it yours, Zena?
It’s ours.
- 4 past simple
The teacher and Norbert followed us outside
But Scrig and Schreech didn’t wait
But Scrig and Schreech saw us
They had fantastic machines

- 2 infinitive of purpose

Zena and I went outside to play
They went in rockets to find new planets.


Good morning boys and girls, we are going to learn something new today, let's go on with the past.
can: simple past.

el pasado simple de can es could, la traducción es la misma pero en pasado: I can/yo puedo ; I could/yo podía.
 los usos que damos al verbo can en pasado son los mismo, para expresar habilidad ( si se o se hacer algo) I could swim, yo podía/sabía nadar, para expresar posibilidad ( I colud do the craft, I had all I needed/ yo pude hacer la manualidad, tenía todo lo que necesitaba)

las frases son iguales el mismo orden pero en presente usamos can y en pasado could

you can read a book today
you could read a book yesterday

you can't read a book today
you couldn't read a book yesterday

can you read a book today?
could you read a book yesterday?

now we are going to make some activities go to your activity book page 87 and do activities 1, 2 and 3
1- complete with could (completa con could)
2- complete with could and the verbs( completa con could y los verbos)
3- read the sentence and write the questions and the short answer ( lee la frase escribe la pregunta y la respuesta corta )

soluciones del día anterior:

1- answer these questions (responde estas preguntas):

- what time does Ollie wake up on Earth? He wakes up at eight o’clock
- what usually happens in the morning on Planet 57? It usually rains
- does Ollie catch the bus? No he doesn’t
- can they walk to school? No, they can’t
- which way of transport do they use? They go by bike
- who go by car to school? Screech and Scrig go by car to school
- do they get to school late? Yes, they do
- where are Screech and Scrig going? They are going to the headteacher’s office

2- correct the mistakes on the sentences (corrige los errores en las frases):

- But I always wake up at eight o'clock on Earth
- why are you wearing those clothes, Norbert?
- It usually rains in the morning on Planet 57
- Can we get into your car, please?
- I'm the fastest girl on Planet 57
- Go faster! FASTER!!!
- I'm not late on thefirst day.
- Scrig and Screech are late.

3- find in the story (encuentra en la historia) :

4 sentences with adverbs of frecuency:

It usually rains in the morning on Planet 57
I’m never late for school, Mum!
But we always arrive at school first.
She always goes to school by bike

4 sentences in present continuous:

The sun is shining
I’m getting cleaner clothes
The school bus is leaving
They are going to the headteacher’s office

4 sentences with comparatives or superlatives
We can go faster
I am the fastest girl on Planet 57
I’am faster than Screech and Scrig’s car
I am getting cleaner clothes.


Good morning boys and girls, today we are going to learn about the prepositions on unit 5.


las preposiciones son unas palabras un poco raras, pero muy muy importantes, como sus características son muy parecidas en español y en inglés primero vamos a ver como funcionan en español y en ingles tienen el mismo uso y la misma importancia.

 cuando vemos una preposicion es una palabra que si la vemos sola no dice nada y nos resulta complicado explicar su significado: a, desde, por... son palabras que solas no dicen realmente nada y nos cuesta explicar su significado, pero vamos a ver la gran importancia que tienen, vamos a ver que pasa si yo tengo esta frase incompleta:

yo viajo ...  Toledo

ahi nos falta algo que complete esa frase, nos falta una preposición que nos enlace, nos una las partes de esa frase, vamos a usar una preposición

yo viajo a Toledo ( voy de San Pablo a Toledo)

pero que pasa si cambio la preposición:

yo viajo desde Toledo ( en este caso voy de Toledo a San Pablo)

solo cambiando la preposición he cambiado el sentido de la frase, vamos a hacer otra prueba:

yo viajo por Toledo ( me muevo por dentro de la ciudad o la provincia sin salir de ella)

mirar como cambiando una preposición que no podemos explicar exactamente su significado, nos cambia la idea que expresamos en una frase, esto también pasa en inglés, nos unen y aportan significado a la idea de la frase.

now we are going to watch this video to learn the prepositions:

and now we are going to do some activities to practice, open your activity book:

near- cerca de                 next to-al lado de                       between- entre
page 41

exercise 2- look at the map and and match questions and answers ( mira al mapa y une preguntas y respuestas)
exercise 3 look at the map and answer (mira el mapa y responde)

page 68

exercise 1- write
exercise 2- look at the pictures and answer ( mira los dibujos y responde)

soluciones del día anterior:

1- answer these questions (responde estas preguntas):

- what is the secret door? The secret door is a bookcase
- who is the cat? The cat is Animal Girl
- is the bin a radio? No, it isn’t
- who is in the city centre? Dr Rat is in the city centre
- is it carnival or halloween? It is carnival
- what colour is the mask? The mask is red
- who catches Dr Rat? Sam Strong catches Dr Rat

2- correct the mistakes on the sentences (corrige los errores en las frases):

- Come with me through this window- come with me through this door
- This is Invisible Girl- this is Animal Girl
- DR Rat! He's a super-hero- Dr Rat! He’s a super-criminal
- There's a parade today- There’s a carnival today
- what colour is Dr Rat's glasses?- what colour is Dr Rat mask?
- And he's wearing pink boots- and he’s wearing purple boots.

3- find in the story (encuentra en la historia) :

     furniture( muebles):   door, bookcase, tv , computer, bin.            

     appearance (apariencia):mask, boots, beard, glasses.

     2 sentences with to be

That’ a bookcase
We’re the Super City Heroes

 ..  2 sentences with to have

That man hasn’t got a beard and glasses
Has Dr Rat got a bear and glases?


good morning boys and girls, today we are going to learn something new, we ar going to work with a verb a little special, want. Let's watch the song on the class book page 22

want- querer, desear

 el verbo want en inglés se traduce por querer o desear algo o hacer algo, es un verbo que se utiliza en presente simple con el auxiliar do, pero ¿qué tiene de especial este verbo entonces?
lo que tiene de especial es que puede ir seguido de un sustantivo un nombre:

i want an apple- quiero una manzana

pero también puede ir seguido de una acción podemos decir que queremos hacer algo, en este caso el verbo want va seguido de un verbo que hay que poner con la preposición to , para que vaya en infinitivo.

I want to play in the park- yo quiero jugar en el parque

now we are going to practice it, open your activity book:

Page 41 exercise 2, write the sentences telling what the boys and girls wants or doesn't want to do. ( escribe las frases contando lo que los niños y niñas quieren y no quieren hacer)

Page 68
exercise 1, do the crossword ( haz el crucigrama)
exercise 2, write questions and answers with want ( escribe preguntas y respuestas con want)

soluciones de día anterior:

1- answer these questions (responde estas preguntas):

- where do they go? They go to the water sport centre
- who don't like water? Hothead doesn’t like water
- does Animal Girl become a dolphin or a shark? She becomes a dolphin
- what have the thief got in the bag? He has got all the sports centre money
- is the thief going to his car? No he is going to a boat
- who stops the thief? Hothead stops the thief
- who dive next to Hothead? Invisible Boy dive next to Hothead
- who is good at diving? Captain Zoom is good at diving

2- correct the mistakes on the sentences (corrige los errores en las frases):

- Fantastic! where are my swimming trunks?
- Are you good at waterskiing, Sam?
- Hold this rope!!
- Be careful!!! I hate water.
- He is going to the lake.
- is this his boat?
- Invisible Boy is ready to swim now.

3- find in the story (encuentra en la historia) :

water sports: diving, swimming, waterskiing

3 sentences in present simple:
I don’t dive
I like swimming
He’s got a boat

3 sentences with good at:
I’am good at swimming
Are you good at diving, Captain Zoom?
Are you good at waterskiing, Sam?


 Esta canción la hemos trabajado en el cole para aprender los animales:

jueves, 14 de mayo de 2020


Hoy vamos a volver a contar uno de los cuentos que trabajábamos en clase SUPER WORM:

martes, 12 de mayo de 2020

jueves, 7 de mayo de 2020


Este es otro cuento de los que hemos trabajado y que les ha gustado mucho, en el trabajamos las habitaciones de la casa

lunes, 4 de mayo de 2020


Una de las canciones que hemos trabajado desde principio de curso para aprender los colores

jueves, 30 de abril de 2020


Hoy os propongo un cuento de los que hemos trabajado, aqui trabajamos números, las partes del cuerpo y las partes de la casa.

martes, 28 de abril de 2020




Good morning boys and girls? Did you go out last Sunday? I hope you enjoy your time out. Today we keep checking grammar, last day we worked on the present continuous, today we go on with the possessive adjetives, first let's watch a video:

Now go to the class book page 10, exercise 3 and look for those items, and use the possessive adjetives to tell who belongs to as in the example(busca estos objetos, y usa los adjetivos posesivos para decirme de quien son como en el ejmeplo):

This is their pen. It is blue

green t-shirt / black and white watch / red torch / blue torch / blue watch / pink notebook with flowers / dictionary / colourful ball / orange notebook with animals / pink bag

soluciones del día anerior:

1-    SONG:
1-    Letters  B- F
2-    Letters D- C
3-    Letters G- A

Are you rollerblading? Yes I am / No, I am not ( aquí cada uno pone lo que quiera yes o not)
      Are you cooking? Yes, I am.  
      Are you taking photos? No, I am not.
      Are you watching a film? Yes, I am.  
      Are you playing computer games? No, I am not.


Good morning boys and girls? Did you go out last Sunday? I hope you enjoy your time out. Today we keep checking grammar, last day we worked on to be, today we are going on with to have, look this video to remenber:

now go to the class book page 10, look at exercise 2, imagine the bedroom 2 is yours and bedroom 3 is your friend's, tell me what both of you have in each bedroom, look at the examples, one sentence for each item.(imagina que el dormitorio 2 es tuyo y el 3 de un amigo/a, cuentáme que tienen los dos, mira los ejemplos, una frase por cada palabra)

bedroom 2:
 I have got a racket
bedroom 3:
he/she has got a guitar

Soluciones del día anterior

Is letter  A a clock?
Yes, it is

Is letter B a mirror?
No, it isn’t

Is letter C a wardrobe?
Yes, it is

Is letter D a picture?
Yes, it is

Is letter E a lamp?
Yes, it is

Is letter F a desk?
No, it isn’t

Is letter G a bookcase?
Yes, it is

Is letter H a desk?
No, it isn’t
I have

lunes, 27 de abril de 2020






jueves, 23 de abril de 2020


Good morning boys and girls, today we are going to review an important verb, this is to be, let's watch this video:


now open your class book on page 5 and let's do questions and answers with the exercise 1, you can do it as you want ( hacemos preguntas y respuestas con el ejercicio uno, puedes hacerlas como quieras, para que la respuesta sea si o no)
      is letter A a bed?
      yes it is / no it isn't

if you want listen the song first

soluciones del dia anterior:

miércoles, 15 de abril de 2020


Good morning boys and girls, how was your Easter? Hope you have a great time at home, let's start with the new term. Missing being in class all together, but let's do our best. At this first day we are going to start with some music, let's listen the song. Open your class book on page 49, you can sing if you want to.

did you sing it? now open your activity book, we are going to do a listening on the page 41 exercise 1

you have to write the numbers of the animals in the zoo map.


if you have any doubt, leave a comment and I will answer

martes, 14 de abril de 2020


Good morning boys and girls, how was your Easter? Hope you have a great time at home, let's start with the new term. Missing being in class all together, but let's do our best. At this first day we are going to start with some music, let's listen the song. Open your class book on page 56, you can sing if you want to.

Did you sing it? now we are going to do some activities, this time we are going to do the activity 1 in the class book page 56 and the activities 1 and 2 on the activity book page 56

  1. activity 1 class book: complete the song with the words in the box, write the number and the word, do not copy the whole song(completa la canción con las palabras del recuadro, escribe el número y la palabra, no copies la canción entera)
  2. activity 1 activity book: complete and give your personal opinion about the song( completa y da tu opinión personal sobre la canción)
  3. activity 2 activity book: number the lines in order (numera los versos en orden)
if you have any doubt, leave a comment and I will answer


Good morning boys and girls, how was your Easter? Hope you have a great time at home, let's start with the new term. Missing being in class all together, but let's do our best. At this first day we are going to start with some music, let's listen the song. Open your class book on page 56, you can sing if you want to.

Did you sing it? now we are going to do some activities, this time we are going to do the activity 1 in the class book page 56 and the activities 1 and 2 on the activity book page 56

  1. activity 1 class book: complete the song with the words in the box, write the number and the word, do not copy the whole song(completa la canción con las palabras del recuadro, escribe el número y la palabra, no copies la canción entera)
  2. activity 1 activity book: complete and give your personal opinion about the song( completa y da tu opinión personal sobre la canción)
  3. activity 2 activity book:  read and match the halve of the lines from de song (lee y une las mitades de los versos de la canción)
if you have any doubt, leave a comment and I will answer 


Good morning boys and girls, how was your Easter? Hope you have a great time at home, let's start with the new term. Missing being in class all together, but let's do our best. At this first day we are going to start with some music, let's listen the song. Open your class book on page 49, you can sing if you want to.

did you sing it? now open your activity book, we are going to do a listening on the page 41 exercise 1

you have to listen and match the children with the dvd they want to watch.


if you have any doubt, leave a comment and I will answer.

viernes, 3 de abril de 2020


Good morning boys and girls, how are you today?  Let's go with the last day before easter time, to celebrate this we are going to watch a traditional cartoon, hope you enjoy it , and HAVE A GREAT HOLIDAY.

soluciones de día anterior:

 en la segunda parte del ejercicio las frases son:

I like coffe, it tastes bitter.
I do not like cola, it tastes sweet.


Good morning boys and girls, how are you today?  Let's go with the last day before easter time, to celebrate this we are going to watch a traditional cartoon, hope you enjoy it , and HAVE A GREAT HOLIDAY.

soluciones de día anterior:


Good morning boys and girls, how are you today?  Let's go with the last day before easter time, to celebrate this we are going to watch a traditional cartoon, hope you enjoy it , and HAVE A GREAT HOLIDAY.

soluciones de día anterior:


Good morning boys and girls, how are you today?  Let's go with the last day before easter time, to celebrate this we are going to watch a traditional cartoon, hope you enjoy it , and HAVE A GREAT HOLIDAY.

soluciones de día anterior:

martes, 17 de marzo de 2020


Aqui os dejo el enlace a una aplicación gratuita de oxford con actividades cuentos y videos, por si queréis usarla, esto no es el parte de mi plan de trabajo para los días que dure esta situación. Animo y nos vemos pronto. Pinchar en el enlace.

Online Learning Zone Primary